Can I change my coach?
The short answer is “no”.
Tony Robbins once said that 80% of any success you have comes from your "why" –- your psychology, your mindset, the emotions that fuel your actions and decisions. And just 20% comes from the "how" or the mechanics of what to do when.
So one of the things that we’re doing together is building resilience… and addressing the fears, doubts, insecurities, habits and patterns that may have held you back in your business up until now.
We’re here to be deeply kind, and not necessarily nice. And that’s an important difference…
When people are nice, they tell others what they want to hear. They steer away from having difficult, uncomfortable conversations that address the real issues.
Sometimes this is uncomfortable and we look for the exit door. You may not always like your coach, Marisa or one of our support team… and you’re not always going to agree with everything that we say or everything your coach says and we’re OK with that. But it doesn’t mean that we don’t love you…
Now I’m not suggesting that you accept everything we say without hesitation, if something doesn’t feel right to you, talk to us about what doesn’t feel right so we can dig a little deeper with you.
Take responsibility for your success and results and let us know, “That doesn't feel right yet, can we explore some other options?”
All we can do is guide, coach and mentor you based on what you tell us. So we need you to tell us when things don’t feel like they’re going in the right direction.